Create Midterm Feedback

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If enabled, the homepage tool bar will display five main tabs along with a quick link to return to the homepage. The IASystem™ Midterm tab provides coordinators, and instructors, the ability to submit faculty midterm feedback requests, see the specifics of their midterm course feedback, manage their midterm course feedback, and look up their coordinators. The purpose of midterm course feedback is to allow students to engage with their instructors part-way through the term regarding their learning experience in the course, allowing instructors to make changes or adjustments to improve student learning.

Note: If you do not see the Midterm tab as an option, please contact your campus course evaluation Administrator. This feature is available to faculty if permitted by your institution.

There are two options for creating faculty midterm course feedback in IASystem™. The first option is to allow faculty to submit their own midterm course feedback request directly within the IASystem faculty portal. Faculty can follow step-by-step instructions provided in the IASystem Faculty User Guide. The second option is to submit on their behalf within the IASystem administrative portal.

Create Midterm Feedback

Navigate to Create Midterm Feedback

Select “Midterm” from Main Menu.

Select “Midterm Feedback” from Drop-down.

From the Midterm Feedback page, select the blue “Create Midterm Feedback” tab (default).

  1. Select Term for which you would like to midterm course feedback requests (defaults to current term).
  2. Select College (defaults to ‘All’ or User’s specific college they are scoped to).
  3. You may further refine your selection by Department and/or Course.

When all selections are made, click “Continue.”

Select Courses

You are now on the Select Courses page. This page provides a listing of the available courses based on your selection. Columns can be sorted by Course, ID, Title, and Instructor and sorting will be retained on the next page where midterm details are defined.

  1. Select all or some of the courses listed for which you would like to setup midterm course feedback requests by clicking the checkbox to the left of the course abbreviation.
  1. Courses listed in red already have midterm feedback requests and cannot be selected. These courses will have a double chat box icon next to the course abbreviation indicating their midterm feedback has been requested.
Note: Courses with Multiple Instructors may have a midterm feedback icon displayed, but are not listed in red—this means there is still one or more instructors eligible to be requested.
  1. If selected courses have the “Multiple Instructors” blue drop down, either select to request the multiple instructors as a group (generates a single request for the course) or select all/some of the instructors to request individually (generates separate requests for each of the instructors selected).
  1. If course is cross-listed (joint) with other courses, you will see all instances. Once you select one joint course, you will not be able to select the other instances. The midterm feedback request will cover the entire cross-listed (joint) cluster.
  1. Course enrollment is displayed.
Note: If enrollment is zero, there are no students listed in the course. You should contact your IASystem™ Administrator before setting up a midterm feedback request for that course.

Once all course selections are finalized, click “Continue” at the bottom of the page.

Define Midterm Feedback Parameters

You are now on the Define Midterm Feedback page.

This page defines the settings for each midterm feedback request form, open and close dates, reports available date (for faculty access) and course type. You may make global selections using the top row drop downs on the table or make individual selections in each row.

  1. Select the midterm feedback form you wish to use. Standard IASystem™ forms will be displayed first in the drop down, followed by any available Custom Forms.
  1. Select Open Dates (must be at least one day later than current date). Midterm feedback requests cannot open the same day they are created; the earliest they can open is 12am the following day.
Note: Midterm Feedback open at 12:00am (your campus time zone) on date selected.
  1. Select Close Dates (must be at least one day later than the open date).
Note: Midterm Feedback close at 11:59pm (your campus time zone) on date selected.
    Click “Submit” to create midterm feedback request

You will be taken to the Midterm Feedback Requests page.