Combined Course Reports

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IASystem™ Combined Course Reports provide a rich perspective on student views by reporting responses to three categories of items.

  • Summative Items are the first four items on most IASystem™ evaluation forms. These items are used to compute the global rating of the course and instructor.
  • Student Involvement Items are a set of items included on most IASystem™ evaluation forms to support computation of Adjusted Medians and the Challenge and Engagement Index.
  • Formative Items relate to specific aspects of the course that instructors may want to change prior to the next iteration of the course.

Depending on the form type(s) included in the combined course report formative items may or may not be displayed. Student comments are not included in combined course reports.

Navigate to Combined Course Reports

Select “Results” from Main Menu.
Select “Reports” from Drop-down. You are now on the Generate Reports page.

From the Generate Reports page, select the “Combined Course Reports” tab.

  1. Select From and Through term(s) from the drop-down menus for which you would like to generate reports for (defaults to current term).
  2. Select College (defaults to ‘All’ or User’s specific college they are scoped to).
  3. You may further refine your selection by Department and/or Course.
  4. Additionally, a report can be generated for a specific instructor by selecting Term(s) and typing in the last name, first name of the instructor (a drop-down list will appear when last name is typed).
  5. When all selections are made, click “Continue” and a PDF report will be generated.