Manage My Items for Evaluations

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Managing your Individual Item Bank

To view all of your items from past and current course evaluations, click the “My Items” tab.

Your item bank lists all the instructor-added questions you have created.


You can complete the following actions on this page:

  • Add items: To add items to your item bank, type into the box under each question category type. Once you have clicked “Add,” your question will be added to your item bank.
  • Edit items: To edit an item, click directly on the item text and a text box will appear to edit the question.
  • Delete items: To delete an item, click the gray X to the right of the item.
  • Archive items: To archive an item, click on the file icon to the right of the item.
Note:  If the item is in use by 1 or more evaluations it cannot be edited or deleted.