Course Types

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IASystem™ collects data on three primary course types.  Data is stored in the survey record and can be used for additional analysis.

When setting up a course evaluation, we request that you specify a course type.  The following chart displays information about how we define each course type:

Face-to-Face “Face-to-Face” courses follow the traditional teaching model in which faculty and students meet in-person, generally in a classroom, lab, or studio.  Although some course information (such as a course website, syllabus, or reading materials) may be provided online, these resources do not replace weekly course time.
Hybrid “Hybrid” courses are a combination of traditional face-to-face instruction and online learning activities.  These courses are sometimes referred to as “blended.”  There is a wide variation in the relative proportions of face-to-face and online learning.
Online “Online” courses are those in which the vast majority of instruction and student participation is mediated by the internet.  Students are not physically present in a traditional classroom setting; although they may meet briefly once or twice, this is not a significant part of the learning experience.
Unknown If you do not know the course type, you may choose “Unknown.”  When possible, please try to determine the actual course type.  This information is important for analysis and research.